Sunday 26 March 2017


The Art/Science of Death/Life
May Allah make it easy for us to live like the Life of Mohammad and Al-e Mohammad and grant us death like the death/ martyrdom of Mohammad and Al-e Mohammad .
Infallible Intel Inspiration; Imam Ali[] revealed that death is close and our mutual journey is short .
Each inspiration from Imam is a cosmic cypher, code of multidimensional nature expressing multiple levels and layers of Intel, intelligence, inner prophet... the faculty common among all of us and in each one of us it is coming to fruition based on our current level/ spiritual station and its' constant growth .
The Infallible Imam in this cosmically disclosing/ revealing gem is indicating the shortness of this worldly life on one level but also pointing towards the shortness of life of this Universe - the limited nature of the entire Cosmos, as Allah Revealed that when THE [Final] Hour of the Universe/ Cosmos sets in the whole universe will be rolled back, symbolizing it to the rolling back of a record etc, that has become part of the past, the life of this physical plane of existence in limited in it's scope and it will come to an end, very soon, when we enter higher time dimensions upon physical death [the levels of Life after Death, in Hereafter], we will realize that this life was extremely very short, we will literally FEEL it [the shortness of this physical plane life] once that Certainty/ Death is made manifest, and to each soul their own Level for Allah never burdened any soul beyond it's scope/ capacity... etc .
The belief that there is no life after death is irrational, pretty disgusting to a sane person who is connected to divine domain dimensions and though some apostates and the likes even go to such lengths to prove it that their atheistic argument/s have become quiet superstitious it is obvious they are not able to understand due to various factors one being that there is a demonic hierarchy who makes money off of their superstitions and it is in their favor to keep creating ill ideological idols; irreligious religions' religious rituals, routines, revolutions... etc to maintain their Satanic Social Engineering active and alive; a mind that is unaware of it's divine origination is obviously a mind programmed, parroting their demonic priest pundit prophets' preaching/s, propagation/s etc. Otherwise in Reality all thing are good/ godly... in their origination; death is just a bridge towards our eternal existence; what we have been able to earn; LOCKED-IN either earned eternal evil enslavement or divine pleasure .

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